Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Exactly What is Clean Eating?

I get asked this question a lot, and frankly 6 months ago, I would not have been able to give you all the answers.  It was my frustration with my 40's and the lack of energy and weight gain that caused me to seek it out.  Now I can't tell you I am perfect, but I am so much better than I was.  My motto is the 80/20 Rule.  80% I eat right, 20% of the time or less, I treat myself. :)

The idea of Clean Eating is that you are consuming foods that are in their most natural state.  It's NOT a diet, in fact, it's a lot of food...it's a good thing NOT to be hungry.  Rather, Clean Eating is a Lifestyle that leads to improved health and wellness.

A Key Factor in Clean Eating and why so many are attracted to it, is that you get to eat 5-6 times a day! Three meals and 2-3 small meals/snacks.  These 6 meals include lean proteins, fruits and vegetables and complex carbohydrates.  It's simple and the amazing thing to my husband and I, was it was affordable!

So Here are a Few KEY Factors to Follow when choosing to start a Lifestyle of Clean Eating.  Remember, the key is not to kick it off with perfection, we are still journeying, it's just too START.

1.  If possible, Choose Organic, especially Meats, Eggs and Dairy.
2.  Drink at least 2 liters of Water a day, but its even better if you can drink half your body weight in ounces.
3.  Limit your alcohol intake to 1 glass of  red wine a day.
4.  Be GOOD at reading labels.  Clean foods do not have lengthy ingredient lists.
5.  Avoid processed foods at all costs!  Examples:  White Flour, Sugar, Bread and Pasta (although Ezekial bread is amazing and their are clean eating options for Pasta's) the freezer or isle sections are your standard grocery store or club membership (Costco actually has many healthy options).
6.  Choose Whole Grain
7.  Avoid anything High in saturated fats or sugar and just say NO to the fried food.
8.  Enjoy Healthy Fats like Hummus, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Avocado
9.  Practice Portion Sizes.  My 21 Day Fix Group is GREAT for this!
10.  Eat seasonal veggies and fruits as its less expensive.
11.  Learn to prepare for your week with meal plans and food prep.  You will make better choices.
12.  Enjoy making this a Family Affair knowing that you are not only making wise and great choices for yourself, but also for those you love the most.

Comment Here if I can answer any questions for you.

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