Monday, September 8, 2014

Simplify your Life Day 1, 10 Tips for Being On Time

If you are a multi-tasker, you may be like me and struggle with with being "on time".  In my September Accountability Group, Busy Women Get FIT, we are focusing on how we can simplify our lives and not only be more productive but take control of our busy lives so we can actually LIVE our lives and do the work God has called us to do.

10 Tips for Being on Time

1.  Keep your purse and car keys on a hook or shelf by the House Entrance.

2.  Check and fill your gas tank regularly, such as every Thursday evening before gas prices increase.

3.  Put Personal Development CD's or Books on CD in the car to listen too so that you get your "Soul Food" in for the day.

4.  Write out your "To Do" List every Sunday evening, everything that you possibly need to do for the week.  Include kid, personal, family, work, spiritual, etc.  Dump your Mind of everything

5.  Prioritize your To Do list with your Top 6 "Must Do"'s for each day then work from your list after you have completed your top 6.

6.  Set a timer a half hour before you have to leave to end all current activities.

7.  Choose your clothing and lay it out the night before, make sure everything is ironed and don't forget to lay out under garments as well.

8.  Pre-cook meats, veggies and hot cereals every Sunday for the entire week and package in single servings either in baggies or small containers.  Make sure your food is grab and go.  If you Meal Prep, you will save yourself from making poor choices.

9.  Set your clocks 10 minutes ahead of schedule, believe it or not, this works! 

10.  Set alerts on your phone to go off 1 hour and again 15 minutes before scheduled apts or leave times.  

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